Blueberry Popping Boba


SKU: 8787588383020-blueberry-popping-boba
Categories: All, Popping & Tapioca Boba


SKU Description Spec Weight
P4020 Blueberry Popping Boba 7.05 lbs X 4 Bottle/Case 30 lbs

Delight in Deliciousness with Blueberry Popping Boba from Tea Zuma

Satisfy your cravings with the Blueberry Popping Boba from Tea Zuma, available in bottles or cases. It is an excellent treat.

  • Experience the explosion of flavor through Tea Zuma’s Blueberry Popping Pearls.
    Pick up individual bottles or cases of 4 for your comfort.
  • It is each bottle that has the juicy blueberry Popping Pearls. They are made to make your bubble tea and desserts more exciting.
  • Bring your culinary art to another level with the highest quality and fruity taste of Tea Zuma’s Blueberry Popping Boba.
  • Indulge in the incredible sweetness of blueberries with the tasty popping boba of TZ.